The colors of bags vary from bag to bag and will vary from the pictures, but the pictures will give you an idea of what to expect.
Full-grain leather pieces, remnants from furniture production. The pieces are soft and flexible and approximately 1/16" in thickness, which is the thickness of a dime or .8 to 1.2 millimeters. Sizes and colors vary by pack. They are available in 1, 2, 3, and 5 lb. bags.
The colors vary from bag to bag, but most are earth tones: brown, beige, gray, tan, dark brown, and reddish-brown. Please look at the pictures before ordering, as the images represent what you can expect to receive. The size of the leather varies from piece to piece and bag to bag but is from 2" x 8" to 12 x 24". The smaller size we only put in if we need it to make the weight you have requested. Most pieces will be in the 8" x 15" range. Most of the leather is irregular in shape.
Most of the leather is full grain with some top grain. Whole grain is thought to be the best. The hide had no imperfections and went straight to be dyed. Top grain hides had some imperfections that were fixed before dyeing. As a practical matter, you can only tell the difference between the two if you are a leather expert. Most items made of leather are top grain. Some of the leather has imperfections, which you can work around for most projects. For example, if a full hide that is 6 feet long has an imperfection in the middle, the furniture manufacturer will not use it and sell it to us, but if you are making a purse, the imperfection can easily be worked around.
What makes us different? This is a general statement. We have yet to purchase every single offering from others selling leather on Etsy.
• The size of the leather on this listing is larger than most of the other listings. We sort out the leather into sizes. This listing has our middle-size leather, which generally runs from 8" x 12" to 14" x 20".
• We don't pack your order until you place it, so if you are looking for colors or shades, we can try to include them. Disclaimer: We don't match any specific colors. You may receive light brown, dark brown, or medium brown if you ask for brown. With full and half hides, we can send you pictures before shipping, but we can't do this with the number of orders we receive for leather remnants.
What can you make with this leather? There are so many things, and it will be hard to list them all, but this leather cannot be tooled. For that, you will need thicker leather. It can be cut with a Cricut machine. Here are a few items made with this leather: jewelry, accessories, book covers, wallets, purses, dream catchers, clothing, etc.