10 Pounds Bulk Leather Cowhide Scrap Pieces - remnants 10-30 pieces per bag, various sizes and colors

$68.95 Regular price $75.00

10 lbs. various colors of cow leather scrap pieces, top, and whole grain leather. 10 - 30 pieces per bag. Each piece's sizes and colors vary from bag to bag. Generally, larger pieces give you the ability to make a variety of items, from earrings to wallets and purses.

I live in High Point, NC, which is the capital of furniture making in the USA and probably the world. There is a lot of leather furniture made here, and I'm buying the scrap leather and selling it to you at a great price. The leather is soft, so you cannot use it for tooling, but it is perfect for handbags, wallets, purses, smaller earrings, and tons of things I never thought people made with leather.

I have a listing for mixed colors in 2 lbs., 3 lbs., and 5 lbs., hair on hide leather, black and gray.

Ships from North Carolina. Expect to receive in 2-3 days in Eastern USA and 3-5 days rest of the country.